viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

he was a man that cosium drogs and beer but with the help of here family he left drogs and fundate the school.

Here we make the most inportant things in our school because
  1. we teach the students how to be a good persons in their life,
the slogan, the mission of the school and the vision

This is our poject to take care our enviroment and to

teach how to take care of it

 This is the basic information it show the location of the

shool that is in the sea the phone and the fax

This is the anthem an the values that our school

teach to the students top five.

The students use a blue sweter and blue pants

the girls use a green t-shirt and a green skirt

the boys and the girls use brown shoes
This is our school it is in an island thes school has

an airport for the teachers and the students but not

for all also some students go by ship . They have a

room for each subjet the room for study the room

for music etc.Our school also has a church were 

student can preade but is not mandatory.

We make the E.A.R our school whith

an anagram that is E for ethics , A for

arts and R for respect our shool is a

music school our shool starts scince

2010 our flag is green and yellow

green for the eology and yellow for

the happnes of the child

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Charles Dickens

Charles family move to london in 1814 when he was twelve years old.The Dickens father after go for tow years in 1816, the dikcens family salted at kindom of kent were charles spent early years of his child boath.The parents of Charles Dickens thougth him reading and wraiting and also helped in devalomped of his intelectus capasibility from early  age of his chilhood Charles was intereste in reading books and he has here own collection of books in her room.

my personal settings

              I was born on 1998 on February 21th, i enter at abraham lincoln school when i was 4 years old. Now i am 9 years at the abraham lincon school i like to play whith lego and to do the rubick s cube .I like to sleep for all the day i dont like to wake up early at the morning i want in the future to live in the U.S.A and i want to take a cruise to denmark to watch  legoland that is a lego park the atractions are of lego and i want to work at the NASA .