viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

The exposition (teacher Luis Agusto WATER PROJECT )


The private factories are wining money because they are sending the water in buttles  and they are stouling the money of the people because they are taking the water that is supouse to be free but they are wining and also contaminting because the buttles contaminate and they dont care if it could be recycle .Also the factories and the nuclear plants contaminate and they throw the chmical waistes in the rivers because thoes wastes are so danger and to manipulate thoes wastes they need money and any factory or nuclear plant is going to pay for it . The biggest factories that works with water (Coca.cola, Pepsi, Nestle etc )take the water from poor countries like Colombia, countries that are in the thierd wolrd they take their clean rivers and they take the clean water and thats how the big factories use clean water, also the buttle have a chemical reaction that puts transparent the water that means the the water in the buttle could be clean or dirty some times the tap water is more clean, for save our planet we need to save the water , to dont throw trash with out recycling it and when we take a bath or we bush our teeth first we only have to take a bath of 5 minutes an to brush our teeth with the tap water close.